Thursday, January 18, 2007

Merely...... only an actor!

It appears that im no longer allowed to bring my sling bag to school. Somehow living in a democratic country with the said rights of freedom of choice didn’t really turn out to be so. But then again, im still a student in an institution which hv it’s own set of rules or rather it’s disciplinarians who hv so much free time that they sat together to make up new rules. Seriously, it’s okay if it’s at least logical!

So since the ‘rule’ is a dumb one, I aint gonna follow it. Heck, I don’t think any one will. Besides, like what chris offered, those smart alec disciplinarians only told the form 5’s and im a form 6 so im not included. Then there was the no walking thru the quadrangle in fears of getting knocked by a car. Really, I know a student died while crossing the road UNDER a bridge but cars within school compound cant go above 35 so if they do get knocked, they’re just gonna get a bruise. Besides, they hv insurance! This was an old rule which regrettably was no enforced thus not followed so why re-implement it? In an effort to make the students more discipline, they hv also decided to require the boys to put away their utensils after break. This rule is okay and it should be enforced! Oh well, I guess those canteen fellas who so many were hired are just there to sit and serve bad food.

Nevertheless, I’ve witnessed a leader who failed his duty to lead and serve his subordinates. He failed terribly as a leader and I seriously doubt his abilities. With his performance as such, he does not deserve to be what he is. He did not fight for his men nor did he try to. He can just shrug it off as if it’s so trivial.

Furthermore, when a teacher(s) chided that lower forms can be prefects he could only stare at the floor and listen like a kid that just got caught flying. WTF! Being a head boy means u’re given the responsibility and power to act as u seem fit to bring up or at least maintain the school’s status. So, when those assholes suggests crappy ideas, blow ur tip off and bang the shit outta them. Why are u afraid to even voice ur discontent?

Alas, he is one that cannot be replaced for if it could be done, it would’ve been done! Dissent has already risen among the ranks and he would do good to change. And change he must! Unfortunately, what can the crowd expect from a mere coward? It is expected of him to cover in the shadows and pretend, pretend that all is well and hope he will last his term. God Bless!

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