Sunday, April 22, 2007

WE believe

If God was lil unkind to me, the fall I had 2 years back would’ve rendered me to a wheelchair for life. It still hurts sometimes which only reinforces the memory of that day. My fall was broken but I still landed in the drain but with the impact severely minimized. I owe my mobility to them. Hahaha.
WE believe that our unity will get us through thick and thin. Our brotherhood seems strong even tho it’s weak. WE believe that somehow we will always stick together? Our slideshow for campfire managed to cement the crowds on their seat. It was a 1st since all of em will leave after RA. The background music were “All my life – KC & Jojo and WE believe – Good charlotte.” It was touching to say the least, no words could describe the feeling we all felt that moment.
The songs now appear to be just like any other. However, to the 11 of us (Maybe all 11?) the song warps us to another place of another time with memories we shared so full that we seem to almost drown in it. When we’re warped back into reality, tears would build up but none will flow.
If God was a lil unkind to me, anand and liks wouldn’t hv been there to break my fall. If I was a lil unlucky, I wouldn’t hv gained 10 ‘bros’ which are pain in the asses but will always hold a special place in me. Cheers

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