Friday, April 13, 2007

More & more secular?

Flip the papers a few days back and find another billionaire just got back from a space vacation costing him millions which I think he don’t even care about. There was an article regarding our public transport which caught my eye. Segregation of train rides according to SEXES.
I will understand or try to if we were living somewhere near the desert where men have long unkempt beards while the women can only be seen thru her eyes. No wait, sometimes u cant even get a glimpse of their eyes.
Malaysia is not a secular country so we should not act like one. The motion in parliament to segregate train rides according to sexes because it MIGHT cause discomfort to the womenfolk is downright atrocious and I’ll go as far as to say stupid and pointless. I guess our parliamentarians had too much time f*ucking around until they contracted AIDS, making them intimidated by the very thought of touching another women.
Apparently there were complaints that a few women’s modesty was violated. It prolly should be during after office hours where the trains are crazily packed. Every1’s trying to get home as quickly as possible to the comfort of their homes and ridding that heavy coat of theirs. This urgency causes most of them to forget what lining up means making them to push, squeeze and scheme their way into the train neglecting that poor old lady waiting in line.
So, some good might come out from this segregated train shit. That poor old lady will hv no worries about some chauvinistic pig cutting her queue. She wouldn’t even have to fear that she will be unable to board the train since there are less females compared to males. But then again, she prolly has to contend with lesbo’s roaming the trains for a free grab or two. But then again, we only care bout the guys who grope women and not about women groping women.
And what about those poor old men? I guess they’ll just have to wait for some good Samaritan to assist them into the train eh? But then again, it’s only a sexist problem. And I bet the complaints were lodged by some fat and ugly malay pig who is too self-centered!

“A malay problem is a national problem. A Chinese problem is only a racial problem and an Indian problem is not even an eff-ing problem to begin with”



Anonymous said...

okayyyyy.... i gonna report to the goverment regarding the last sentence.. see u in jail

David said...
