Sunday, November 05, 2006

Dilemma that is Iraq

Iraq is an example of a failed democracy state. No, it wasn’t even a democratic state to begin with. After the ‘liberation’ of Iraq from the iron clad fist of Saddam Hussein, there’s been nthg but bloodshed. The strife between the sunni insurgents and shia militias is aggravated by a weak and powerless government.
After 3 yrs with the situation deteriorating rather than improving, what options are left and which is the most feasible? Should the US cut and run? Or should they stay and try to win over the insurgents? The argument for the US to cut and run is that they will cut and run in a few yrs time so what wrong with doing early the inevitable? But then again, how will the world look at the US for doing so? On the other hand, the cost of staying the course will come at the price of men and million of dollars.
For all that, the US should stay in Iraq regardless of the results of the mid-term election. They owe it to themselves and the Iraqi ppl as much to make iraq at least liveable. It is wise to get the cooperation of both Syria and Iran who each supports singly Sunnis and Shias. Their influence is undeniably strong and their ‘advice’ might coerce the militants to give up their arms. Thus, the US should hold talks with iran and Syria even if the nuclea negotiations with iran falls apart. It is for the best.
Furthermore, the U.S. with their military might need to stop covering in their bunkers and counter the insurgencies. It will be dangerous and gruesome but there is no other way to flush out the terrorist. Like they use to say “The best defense is a good offense.”
Moreover, it is well-known that the Iraqi police, controlled by the Internal ministry is deeply infiltrated by the militants who sometimes assist or even perpetuate themselves in the tit-for-tat killings btw sunnis and shias. Yet, militants are still being integrated into the police force. Stricter screenings is needed for applicants and Al-maliki needs to have the willingness to persecute the guilty.
Persevere, persevere and persevere. I believe that the US cannot afford to cut and run. They are better off staying and iraq combating insurgents. It’s already been 3 yrs and who knows how long it might take to flush away the insurgents, 2, 3 maybe 5. But the US should stay for as long as it takes. We cannot afford insurgents taking over and turning iraq into a terrorist stronghold. Persevere!

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