Sunday, October 22, 2006

Devil In disguise??

Technological advancements has brought us wonders. Recently there was a report that scientist had managed to invent an invisibility cloak. It isnt capable of making any1 or anything invisible to the naked eye yet, but it managed to deceive microwave detectors. You can read it more here. IMHO, the invention of this invisibilty cloak is a devil in disguise. The owner of the tech will be able to use it in devious and evil ways. Imagine military airplanes being able to destroy cities w/o being detected. Battleships moving across ocens w/o even causing a blib. Will we not then have cause our own destruction or of those of our fellow earthlings. This is only 1 prospect of the many that the invisibility cloak can be MISUSED !!! Caution is duly needed!!

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