Saturday, March 17, 2007


I quote Barton Blaze, “If you don’t make a choice, the choice chooses you.” Making decisions is a part of our everyday life, from what we choose to eat to when we choose to shit. What we choose to do and what we chose not to. It might come easy, it might be hard but nevertheless you still have to decide when the time is right.

In hindsight, I’ve always known what I’ve wanted and what I need to do to achieve it. Altho, there are times which even if I knew what and how, I just wont. It might be due to my laziness or prolly my foolishness but it was still a decision.

To choose between a and b is quite the different from b and c for each possess different prospects and brings about changes that are surely gonna be different. It might sweep me off my feet or it could tie me down like a house or maybe it wont bring about any changes but only her presence which is more than enough.

Now, “the shield’s heavy and makes his movement wobbly, his helmet suffocating and blocks his view”( I quote the narrator of 300 XD). But unlike leonidas, I kept both my shield and my helmet on which might prove to be a bad decision but it is a decision after all.

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