Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Rovering rovers.....

Recently we have just opened up our troop to the lower 6 girls in good faith that they will be boon to our troop. After having a meeting with the teacher adviser and getting the green light for establishing the rovers, we set off publicising our troop to the girls. We went class to class explaining to the girls what scouts are all about and when they will achieve if they join and what they will ultimately miss out if they did not.
So we talked to the arts classes first and the response there was moderate. People were listening and showing some interest. However, we didnt put much hope on them... and i dont know why. Then we took the opportunity of explaining to my class, L6BF. They were all very interested or so it seemed to me. With a positive body language, they listened and started asking relevant questions which made us very happy for it gave us a fake hope that all or at least a majority of 'em wanted to join. Finally we went to L6BM and boy o' boy was that class full of shit. Not only were their faces cannot be looked at, they have to show disinterest and a' oh god why am i here' look. So it really pissed most of us off and we left chris to handle them by himself.
Thus, after making all the necessary publicity, we decided to hold the installation today after making sure that we have at least 8 soon-to-be members. As we were preparing ourselves, our teacher adviser barged in and wanted us to cancel the installation and also to scrap the idea of taking in girls for rovers. He based his reasons that "accidents" has happened b4 when girls are allowed into the troop and that we the 6 of us, will not be able to give enough attention to the troop. We then countered by assuring him that none of these accidents will happen and that we can very well control ourselves. We are not all full of horns anyway!! So we spent 15 minutes arguing back and forth on that matter with our teacher saying accidents ARE going to happen and that we will not be able to divide our attention properly and us saying we are able to control ourselves and that we can divide our attention as best as possible. So i suggested that we be given a 3 month trial period and if it doesnt owrk out, we will disband the rovers. he was very reluctant and instead gave a weak leeway of 1 month trial period.
After dealing with our teacher adviser, we continued with our installation as planned. Everything went smoothly and the turn out was okay. 11 new members divided into 2 patrols. As it was running late, we took down their biodata's and they were dismissed as soon as that was accomplished.
We were quite satisfied with the turn out altho we did expect better. However, it was all good and with luck on our side, the newly appointed members will be able to spread the word and ignite the interest of others. Cheers!!!

1 comment:

Tengo said...

I salute to you guys man seriously. I can't believe what I saw the other day. All the effort and work you've put into the show. I take back what I've said okay? Guess I was just not used to it. But now I'm all right! Hope to hear more about you scouts and your activities. Call me and I'll be there. No ffk-ing, promise! Yours sincerely.