Friday, July 21, 2006

Coffee, Tea or Fists?

Fights are bound to ensue when we study in an all boys school. That is how boys settle up their differences. However, we are longer boys are we? When we reach the age of 17, why do we still choose to fight instead of opting for discussion?
However, i cannot deny the fact that a certain part of me agrees to these fights. It's not the right thing to do, however, when talking fails and there is dissent among the ranks, a fist fight could throw it all away. When there is an obvious winner (and loser) people tend to think it's all concluded and the matter is settled. Fairly, man to man or should i say, boy to boy. = On the contrary, i also feel that it's unfruitful for 17 & 18 years olds to resort to brute force rather then sitting over a cup of coffee and talking things out. If we cannot be mature enough to settle our differences amicably, we have no right to 'run' the school. " A man is like steel, when he loses his temper, he loses his worth. " If we are not able to control our temper and act as we seem fit, we are not young adults instead is a childish boy acting like some big shot.
So, what's my point? In my honest opinion, not only do i think resorting to fist fights is wrong, i think it's very stupid and childish of us 17-18 yr olds to be doing that. However, i cannot help but feel that certain issues are best to be settled in the ring rather than thru a cup of coffee. Cheers!! What Do You Think?

1 comment:

ajayannair said...

Isnt it so much better to always settle things verbally compared to physically. What huge, cannot-be-solved-via-mouth problem can 17 and 18 year olds have ? What is so damn hard ? Its all in your mind. Its how you'd rather be seen. Whether u'll be up for a fight or whether u'd ignore and try talking things out. So the point is tht it matters on what you want it to be. [=