Saturday, October 03, 2009

A+ now, what's next?

It's funny how our government is pushing for higher performance on one side yet has suddenly introduced a new grade of A+ to the SPM examination.

They said it was to acknowledge really good students hence the new benchmark. If they had given some thought to it at all, a new grade of A+ is totally redundant but in respect to us malaysians, it totally lives up to our culture.

A better sure fire to way to detect and acknowledge good students is not to create a new benchmark but simply to just modify the graph and to increase the marks required to achieve the grades.

But they cant do this, we have our 'face' to save.... kan? We can't simply increase the passing grade as this would create a huge jump in failures and we Malaysians cannot be shown in the dim light of being branded dumb!

In order to maintain an adequate passing percentage while being able to detect high achievers, we create new benchmarks. Maybe the decision is not that flawed after all.

30 years down the road my son's gonna come back and proudly show off his report card showing me A++.

God Bless Us all.

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