Friday, December 05, 2008

Heaven or Hell?

What would you say if i told you that your imagination of hell is flawed? That hell is just as much of a paradise as Heaven is imagined to be? That your actions or inactions will not be judged in the afterlife?

Blasphemous? Heresy?

Im gonna use christianity in the following as it describes heaven and hell as total opposites, good vs evil.

If you dont hv a good imagination, stop reading.

What do you think if i said that the fallen archangel(i forgot his name) a.k.a. satan had not betrayed God and was not banished from heaven but was elevated into a position of God's direct opposite?


If God is almighty, all powerful, and all powerful as stated in the bible, would he not hv known that his closest aide would betray him? Or do we deem God to be just like us mortals, trusting those closest to us who are in the most favourable position to betray?

I'd think not!

They key to all things is not a 100% of something but the harmonisation and balance of everything! So, for there to be good, there has to be evil for good or evil is only just a relativity.

What makes a good, good? And what makes an evil, evil? How do you know?

Who are you comparing with when you said that guy is good or that he's evil? You would say, you're comparing him from your knowledge of others or the realisation of things. What then is the benchmark of good? And where did your knowledge or realisation of that come from?

God had foreseen the prospects of allowing only good to roam in the hearts of men and what he saw displeases him. He saw everything good and perfect. He saw happiness and joy.....

He saw Heaven.

And so he created an imperfect world, a world less mundane than Heaven. A world less predictable. A world different from the one he resides in! Where the choices and decisions where not his to make and all that he could do was to watch. Like a fan watching a game, an audience watching an opera.

In this imperfect world, God spread word to his imperfect inhabitants teaching them not how things should be but how good things should be. God has created a comparision which we did not notice and we took what was fed to us with mouths wide open to be the truth.

And so the direct opposite to what God said is deemed to be evil. To be avoided, banished, despised on. Filthy and foul, unpure and sinister. The domain of the 'fallen' archangel! God made his archangel into his opposite to create imperfection, to create balance!

That every good is counter-weighed by evil. That imperfect men we given a choice to choose between two sides. Which way will men tilt the scale? But it doesnt really matter, for every man running to either side, an equal amount will run to the other.

Every good deed done foments an evil. A good or evil person dies, giving way for others to be born.

Yin and Yang! It's a never ending cycle....... a perfect balance.

Now im saying you will not be judged in the afterlife. The decisions made while you were living influences events in the mortal world only. That you will be sent to hell or heaven should not be worried upon as it's unimportant. Heaven or hell is just the same, it's the domain of God.

So am i saying that God is an asshole and he allowed there to be evil just so he can have his amusement and excitement? That we are merely pawns to bring a little unpredictability to his perfect and routine world?

Maybe i am..... maybe i am.

Note : i aint saying to go forth and fuck around and do evil.
SCREW YOU if you even let that thought develop!

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