Saturday, December 20, 2008

Are you a cow?

Sometimes i stare in amazement, sometimes in awe and sometimes, a feeling of sadness and pity fills my heart. These cows trudging slowly one behind another always following the pack. It's not like they don't have a choice, they do. But they still are only just cows.

Open your eyes the next time you visit the cinemas, i might just be describing you.

No i didnt say that just to spite you, deep inside you, you might just be a cow.

Okay, when everyone is exiting the cinema hall, just keep walking until you find yourself stuck in a human congestion. You look forward and you find out it because of the two-doored door ahead. It's opened on the LEFT and people trudge slowly through careful not to bang into other people and the door.

Now be honest, are you a COW?

I don't go to the cinemas very often but i've been seen my fair share of cows and every time, i stare at them in amazement, sometimes in awe and wonder and sometimes pity. i cant blame them, they're just being who they really are. Drones no wait, COWS... who cannot think for themselves and just follow the majority blindly leaving the right side which can be opened and thus easing the movement, untouched solely because it LOOKED like it's lock.

It's called the 'Herd Mentality', where people refuse to think and just follow the majority. I dont understand really. God gave you a brain yet you seem to prove that it does not exist in you. Oh wait, atheist might disagree. Okay okay, your monkey ancestors gave you a brain but you chose to have peanuts instead! Why? WHY????

I can't bring myself to call these people stupid because you who is reading might just be like one of those.

But then again they arent being stupid or doing it on purpose, they are just being who they really are.

I forgot to mention that im not saying EVEYRONE is like that, it's just that 90% of society is. Cheers to fellow 10% who arent acting like COWS!

Allahu Akhbar!

Stupidity transcends religion.

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