Sunday, October 26, 2008

Happy Deepavali

During this time of the year, i would be rather busy. Me and my brothers actually. We'll drive from one house to another filling out our stomachs till we feel like puking yet we'll still shove in more.

Well, it's rude to refuse someone's offer especially when that someone is your friends mom who's cooking is OH SO DELICIOUS. We boys naturally cant help ourselves!

I think there was a yr where we created some kind of a record eh? Eating at 3 places in the span of 3 to 4 hours? And there's no such thing is eating only a bit/little/minimal amount! I dont rmbr the sequence but we went to anand's, vivek's and logann's i think? and everytime we step inside, we are expected.... no REQUIRED to eat!!!

But this year.. Damn it. Im stuck in penang! Im gonna miss out on all the curry and rendang with nasi briani and all the yummy dishes. Piss off man! Why do i hv to suffer like this?

Anyways, im here wishing all indians and non-alike but who celebrate anyway ( by eating or...)
A Happy Diwali
~Festival of Lights!~

I think deepavali's colour is green, or was it gold? i dont rmbr. Damn


arekara said...

its purple! (i think!).. green is for... raya? haha...

Anonymous said...

To arekara:

Purple eh?? Hmmmm.... well, i was thinking indians might like green as well since... they both hv bad taste!