Sunday, October 28, 2007


Religion is only an escape for the mind from the cruel realities of life. By believing in the existence of a greater power, we hope that things will change for the better and being armed with this believe, armed with hope, changes do come.

But is the change brought by a higher being or becoz we believed in the existence of God, and with that believe comes hope and when there's hope, we try our best to lift ourselves out of the bleakest moment. Am i doubting the existence of God? No, merely im just giving a diff point of argument.

There are things in which our minds will never be able to comprehend. Religion is one which the brightest scientist or the cleverest minds is unable to decipher. It is easy to disprove of the very existence of God but certain events seems to be so unexplainable that a higher force is no doubt in action. Luck maybe? But what defines luck? How does luck come about?

Is it possible that the monks, priest and books all lied and are just part of a conspiracy to segregrate the human population into groups? Or is religion a thing created by man for mankind? A creation to allow man to hv smth to fall back on when things are in the shitters.

The existence of God is as real as our minds let it to be. There is no scientific proof of It's existence and God dwells only in the minds of it's believers and It's presence felt by those who embrace It. What about atheist(s)? If God is said to be all loving and kind as preached by all religions then shouldnt It's presence be felt by the ones who doubt it's existence hence making them followers of a faith as well? But we dont see that do we?

Nevertheless, religion is for those who believe and believers hv faith. With faith comes hope and with hope, everything is possible.

If i can fall 2 storeys into a drain with my ass landing first, either im really lucky or my bone's tougher than steel. But i chose to believe that i am not on wheelchair today becoz my fall was broken not only by the hands of my 2 brothers but also becoz of a higher being.

Armed with hope, i believe nthg is impossible.


Anonymous said...

"It Is Better To Reign In Hell Than To Serve In Heaven" - John Milton, Paradise Lost

"It Is Better To Fuck Like A Beast Than To Wank Like Ccs" - Revan

David said...

LOL, ccs is stale!!!!!