Sunday, March 22, 2009

They just dont..

Man utd just lost 2-0 to fulham and thats a huge blow to having a secure title.

But i aint blogging bout football, less my friends come raining down with words.

As i was watching the first half, a question came to me.

What is so captivating about watching 22 men chase after a ball with the goal post so big, it makes it almost too easy to score.

*notice no question mark*

What i was curious about. Why cant women grasp the beauty and the excitement of watching a football game on tv like us men do?

Ughhhhh??? I was sure there were WMD!

I think it's because women dont listen! Yeap, a very simple answer to a difficult question.

What makes watching football so enjoyable for us is that we not only understand the game, we open our ears and listen to the commentators. They have to be rather good at their job and their commentating is what adds up to our excitement level. Their speech gets faster and louder as the balls gets near the post and ends with a GOOOAALLLLL; if it really culminates to that.

Women normally dont listen that well, heck sometimes they dont even listen at all. Try having a heated argument with the female species and you will understand how hard is it to REASON with them. Even if you have all the solid evidence and reasoning, you can never make her understand.

This is sorely based on the nature of women when arguing with men:
a) You're always wrong
b) She's always right
c) Why cant YOU understand HER point instead of her seeing the valid reason and evidence that is provided.

Since they dont understand the game that well and they watch with their ears closed, they cant sense the excitement of the game. They cant hear the quicken speech nor sense the tension and anticipation of what's going to happen next.

It's as though, they are watching a mime.

If only they can hear themselves.

Dont really believe me? Try watching a game with the volume muted.


ahcheng said...

i dun like this blog...

xiaomin 晓敏 said...

haha..i will try 2 do the experiment next time..=.=ll

Kraznky said...

to ~ahCheng~:
Hahahahah...... oh really?

to xiaomin:
You dont need to try since you already watch football without listening! =P

ahcheng said...

grr... =.=''