Monday, May 05, 2008

My promise

Why is it always late at night when I feel that I just had to voice out? As I lay on my bed thinking, have I just plunged myself into quicksand? I believe that I’ve invested too much. Too much that I might turn into a wussy and be vulnerable.
How do you let go of smth that you can’t even get ur hands off? You can’t. I can’t but I will anyway. I cannot be selfish and I wont hinder anyone’s progress especially not hers. - Okay, i might be giving myself too much slack. She won’t allow me to even if I was selfish-.

We both hv our own career to fight for and although a great distance separates us, I believe that if we are both strong enough, we will make it work. Heck, im pretty sure she’ll be fine since she won’t mind not seeing me FOR A YEAR!!!!!! <--:From the horses mouth itself!” I’m thinking too much, we’ll find the boat when we reach the harbour and I at least will do my best to make things work. That is my promise to you.

Okay, im mighty good looking and i love you.






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