Thursday, June 08, 2006

Torture for you, sir ?

I recently read the ' Have Your Say' section on the bbc website whether airports should be used to transport terror suspects (in Europe). There were many comments posted by different people and the thing i noticed was while the most recommend post was the one rejecting the use of airports or use of torture towards terror ' suspect's ', the 2nd, 3rd, 4th & etc were all agreeing to the use of airports and torture.
The irony is that the war on terror is unlike any conventional war. It is different, where normal ROE - rules of engagement- do not apply. So how can people be so naive to think of treating them as normal POW( prisoners of war) and respecting their rights? We're talking about people like those who engage in the 9/11, bali bombings and the london bombings who killed innocent citizens, not soldiers.
Furthermore, the terrorist themselves condone torture, if you can bring yourself to remember a few years back, video footage of terrorist beheading innocents alive were spread throughout the internet. Did they for one moment thought about human rights? or how inhumane their action was? I think naught. When they do not play by the rules, then the security forces are not compel to either.
I believe that terrorist should be handle in a manner of harshness and crudeness needed for them to cooperate. When normal interrogation do not work, i believe the security forces should use torture to make them talk as it may provide useful information in preventing the next terror attack. In the fight against terror, unconventional methods must be used to suppress the spread of terrorism and making living safer for all of us.

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