Sunday, October 31, 2010


 We've decided to have for ourselves, a chill out day. No worries, no rushing. Just going with the flow wherever the wind blows. After having my disastrous viva, we departed for Penang at around 3.
Popiah!! Try it!

We went for some popiah on macalister road. Know the famous sisters char kuey teow? This is just a stall nearby, sold by an old auntie who offered us her chair when we said we wanted to stand an eat. How nice. The popiah was nice too. It's different than usual because after she slice it, she will soaked it with some hot mengkuang juice. It brings out both the taste and the aroma.

After that, we came here: for some feel good time.

The Building, Dodgy?
The bowler

We went bowling!! It's been years since sue bowled or so she says. And it's been months since i last played with my friends. It's something we dont usually do in kl.

Sue lining up for her attempt to avoid the longkang!
 Sorry, but we have nicer things to play. But i find bowling to be rather pleasant. It's super fun when you strike. And it's super fun when you see her bowl into the longkang. Gahaha, guess she was really telling the truth.

Longkang attempt
 This my friends, is my striking attempt. To sum it up, Sue got below hundred and me above hundred by a lil. It's good cheap fun. RM4 per game and you get to spend some relaxing time.

Sue had a strike once and she said she did that because she imagined my face on all the pins. Hmmm,

The counter of the Penang bowl, looks. Cincai. XD. hey, the receipts are handwritten and they have a scanner to scan the codes on the receipts!


After some exercise, yes sue regarded that as an exercise. I don't know why, don't ask me! We went to fulfill our greediness. Yes, we are a greedy couple.

Add caption
 This is the flame of vengeance. RAWR!!!!

It was exactly as thin as in the picture.
 With it, we will cook some Woo Sam Kyup. Slices of marbled beef. Looks kinda thick for a slice.
This is totally different from that in the pcture
and some Sam Kyub-Sal,  Thin slices Pork belly!

Insufficient side dishes, all Free!
 The side dishes. You are given more in KL, Here, you can even count them with your fingers and most of them are not very nice. The evergreen kimchi was, acceptable.

Pork belly + tofu + egg thick Soup.

 Jjigae means a thick soup, it's has a stronger taste and smell than just normal soup. Also more spicy. We ordered a Soon-dubu-Jjigae and it was AWESOME! Pork belly, Tofu and Egg. Made an excellent match. The tofu was so soft you almost cant feel it in your mouth and the egg just. Ughh,.. Orgasmic.

But we actually ordered the seafood thick soup. Bummer

 Tasty, beef was better.
 After being a chef for the night for my lady, i placed my cookings on the plate to be devoured. It was satisfying to see your food cooked after a long process.

Vege now you see
 Fold it with some greens. I reckon i eat the most vegetables when i'm eating korean. Every slice of pork is wrapped with vegetables. Add into it some garlic and some sauces and it's ready.....
In my mouth you go
 To be stuffed into your mouth. I honestly cannot imagine how a girl can be eating korean gracefully. There's just no way.

After we were already bloated and yet there was still a quarter of everything to go. (Hence the greediness) The waiter broguht us some pancakes!
Surprise Surprise!

 It looks simple, it's looks dry but the taste was surprisingly not too shabby. It must go with the sauce else you will find it to be a little dry. The chilli gravy wasnt too spicy and just blends in with the pancake. Surprise of the day.

The champion of the day was indisputably

 The winner of em all! Jjigae!

Jjigae!!! For RM17 per bowl you get a free rice and those free side dishes. You can actually order 1 and eat for tomorrow's breakfast. Trust me, i saw some girls doing it. It's blardy good! I mean the taste, not the price.

At the end of the end, we went to find the G-spot. You know it's there but you're just not sure if it's really there. Deciding not to waste any time, we got in and i asked the doorman where's G-spot. He pointed us to the right direction and we arrived!

So dark, so cozy, so nice
Non-smoking with a house band playing, The music isnt your usual R&B or House music. The vocalist was an invited guest from overseas and his voice is just melodious. The songs he sang was kinda old school but i know some of it.

The couch we sat on was in a curved U-shape and we surmised at how it'll be super fun if we got all our friends here and just sat and talk cock for a night. How sad when we realized we don't have that many friends to fill the seats. LOL, In my face.

I enjoyed myself alot just sitting there sipping on my G-dream with my lady beside me sipping on her Cosmo. It was more relaxing than having a good sleep.

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