Friday, July 30, 2010


Life is already hard as it is and we should not let other people make it any harder. The things people do, the things people say does it have to matter? Or can one just simply choose to ignore the vagaries of life and look at things simpler, good-er.

Life would be easy if we can only see the good in others. Things would be much much simpler. It's not naivety, it's choosing to believe what's good in people.

That is a quality i sometimes envy and hope to possess.

Life is already hard as it is, please dont allow me to make it any harder for.

Je elle voudrais embrasser et étreins tous les jours
mais J'ai peur 'Tangkap basah'
prés des sécurité.

J'adore vous la belle.


naixoais said...

I didn't take French 1. Can you not make it so that I have to Google translate it?

Kraznky said...

Je suis desolé. Je veux change.