Friday, September 12, 2008

With powderful england comes powderful responsibilities

My curiculum is england i mean english based where all lectures are SUPPOSED to be taught in english.

Teacher : He is or he are an a$$hole?

But then since i live in malaysia where the words 'supposed' or 'must' can be purposefully mistaken for 'apa pun boleh la' and 'tak semestinya' there aint no surprise for u to hear me rant bout lecturers handling lessons in BM.

I mean, WHAT THE FUCK man, u're allowed to teach tertiary edu lvl yet u cant speak in english and hv to handle a supposingly english-based lecture in bm becoz for the past 20 yrs all u were doing was screwing ass and reading that green book of urs.

Tak kisahlah, janji rock!

I hv no respect for those lecturers for not only they cant teach that well they cant even speak english! Are you even qualified to teach me? If i formulate an argument would u give me a zero in my final paper just becoz u dont understand what i said since all u know is !n$ya:ah?

There was this one lecturer who said outright that his english isnt that good so he'll hv to mix with bm. Hey, im cool with that even tho 60% of the time he was speaking in bm and those time i really wanted to choke his neck and step on his face but since it was mechanics and formulas count more than fancy words... i could bear that much more.

But then there are lecturers who used 100% bm like my recent maths lecturer and what a bitch she is. I called her a clerk becoz she doesnt even know how to use powerpoint and only uses Words for her lectuers. (Wait a min, wouldnt that disqualify her as a clerk?) Altho maths are mostly bout formulas but the explanation of how to use it is crucial to my understanding else all i'll be doing is memorizing those damn formulas becoz my clerk-lecturer's dont know her england!

Seriously, i didnt know APEX means u dont hv to speak english!(What apex?)

How is it possible that after living for 20 to god knows how long u've been living under a rock years that you are still unable to speak english? And please dont go justifying u're inability by saying that we are malaysians living in malaysia which is why we need to speak malay. Take that crap and shove it up your ass you hedonistic racist asshole.

You hv a responsibility to educate but an even greated responsibility to educate in english to prepare us for the market which is mostly english speaking since we cant rely on the eff-ing government to sponsor us for life becoz i aint got no fucking abdullah behind my name. You aint qualified to teach me.

i love you too.

Okay, am feeling way much better after ranting. Wanted to type this a few days back but couldnt find the time. My next post will be bout hypocritical assholes who cant speak english to save their skins yet still wants to ridicule others or try to since....

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