Tuesday, July 22, 2008

You want my life?

It was the 28th of june but i hv no idea where i am! It damn right wasnt kl, for there werent enough tall wait a minute.. there aint no tall buildings to be seen! Eff-ing kampung. It was the 28th june and im registering into USM today!
What happened the night before, lets not talk bout it. The only thing was i crashed my car and it was badly damaged. Apparently the whole door has to be changed but while my mom was telling me that she wasnt angry. Not even a hint of anger or disappointment! Queer...very.
The first 3 nights were terrible! Horrendous! Suffering! Torturing!
I live in a 4 man room and it's HUGE. So huge that im running out of space to put my things! The only solace is that i hv only 2 other room mates which leaves 1 bed empty which means more space which actually means more cobwebs or insects which means that everytime i enter my room a flurry of activity greets me.
Talking bout insects, there's one we call 'cali'. It's shaped as an ant but it has wings and is striped red and black. The thing bout this 'cali' is that the liquid it squirts or emits when it's dead is corrosive to the skin. The sensation is akin to burning and if u touch the woud with ur hand then ur hand will get it too. I am so damn happy that i get to live in a 'cali' infested block. My board and wall already has 'cali' corpses.
THE HEAT CAN KILL. Well not directly. But it does get very hot somedays and since im a city boy i cant sleep when it gets too hot. Even with my clothes off and the fan running at a speed of 4 (5 is good but too noisy) i sometimes find it hard to fall asleep! Twice there was a power outage and yours truly woke up just in time to watch the fan stop spinning. Looking to his roommates, he marvels at their ability to sleep non-chalantly. Might they be feeling cold?
Heat is one thing having a short bed is another. Bed's suppose to be 6 ft but since im only 5 ft 10 and i dont think ive grown, there should be an excess of 2 inches rite? WRONG! My leg protrudes outward by at least a foot when i sleep and im forced to either sleep diagonally or with my head touching the damn wall which has a yellowish, black colour to it. Real clean!!
The best of which is having cold water. Yeap, cold water to drink, cold water to wash my face in and cold water to wash my balls when im already feeling cold! It's 7 in the eff-ing morning and when i raise my hand to turn on the heater it aint there! Every morning is an attack of conscience; " To go in or not to go in, that is the question!" Of coz every time i end up pushing myself into the shower and get it over with as quickly as possible.
But after a week, im already liking this place. No it doesnt hv hot chicks nor does it hv much entertainment but the surrounding and the atmosphere, it's smth that i feel is suited for me. I feel very much at home and i thank myself for choosing this place and i thank god for being able to get enrolled in here.


вєиич said...

Didn't know that u'll travel forward in time when u're in SP.

XD come back to KL sometime! Thanks, gghf

Anonymous said...




so funyyyyy

i got bored doing my assignments so decided to check out your blog.


you made my day!


Kraznky said...

To вєиич:
XD i've since correct that minor mistake. Will be back on Aug 15! Wooo jom jyogoya?

To the not so anonymous:
=vinc= at the end dont make u anonymous anymore. -.-

Well im glad i was of service? hahaha...

Thanx for dropping by =) both of u