Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Why i can never do business; Why i must.

I dont think i can ever do business. To start off from the top, im not entrereneurial enough and to end it is that im just downright lazy. Forget proactivity or zeal, i'll hv none of those. And while you're cancelling, cancel any other business related characteristic one needs to hv. I rather laze bout counting money than earning it.


Is why i must, in the future. I hv no control over what my mind thinks even tho 60% of the time is about someone in my life. Nevertheless, business plans and ways to earn money are shoving and digging their way into my thoughts.

*Im beginning to generate an interest in the stock markets*

These "thoughts" if i let it get the better of me ,will be the driver of me doing business. The others would be my dream of lazing about counting my money which im currently having in my offi.... i mean my dad's office.

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