Saturday, September 15, 2007

More balls and...

I always listen to my ipod in sch, esp in btw classes or while walking to the lab. On a recent day, while we were walking to the lab, i had my earphones plugged in. Walking down the stairs was our maths maestro, Mr thum! He approached me and the next conversation took place;

He : Take off ur earphones?
Me : Huh?
He : Take it off, what is that anyway?

*earphones out*
Me : Uhh, ipod?
He : Take it out, lemme see!

*oblige obediently*
He : Wah, how much?
Me : hesistates.... bout a thousand.
He : So expensive! Where u get the money from?
Me : *under my breath - drop from the sky*

~i said it albeit softly, more balls and i would've said it louder! XD~ He prolly heard me say smth coz..

He : WHAT ??
Me : oh, from my parents!
He : Oh, why ur parents so rich?
Me : Uhh, the kena lottery so bought me this.
He : So lucky? Never see i kena also
Me : * under breath - coz u're not lucky-*
He : Dont use this again..
Me : patronizingly agrees and we both walk off.


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