Tuesday, November 01, 2011


I have all the time in the world yet why do i still feel so hard pressed for time? It's not that I get less time compared to anyone else but why are people able to accomplish things which I can only oogle at?

I know I'm idling most of the time but idling is better than working no? Working is better than studying is it not? Did I not enjoy going to work everyday savouring my RM1 nasi lemak whilst drinking coffee in the morning that would power me through the day?

Then how come I'm not striving to secure a better job? But I've got all the time in the world. I have plenty of time to decide where I want to be and what I want to do.

Having said that, this week is gonna wheez by so fast I'll be back in KL before I can rant about staying on campus. If time seems to be passing so quickly, can I still affirm that I have plenty of time? Or am I just ignorant like the rest?

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