Monday, May 02, 2011

Osama bin Laden : DECEASED

Born as one of the sons to a multi billionaire Saudi businessman, he was 'awaken' to a sort of religious zealotry that encouraged him to plan and execute such atrocities with his most famous 'feat', the destruction of the twin world trade centres building in New York.

The war on terror has finally achieved it's utmost priority, the capture or death of Osama bin Laden, the mastermind behind the 9-11 attacks.

He was killed in a firefight off the city of Islamabad with US ground forces claiming his body after the battle. It appears that his body in now on its way to the United States.

But this might be sort of a subterfuge. By the US maybe? Take a long look at it, The war on terror doesnt seem to be going very well. Ground forces are locked in a stalemate and there wasnt any 'big' news to be considered as success.

Or it might just be a ploy from Osama bin laden, to take some heat off his back? Maybe he got bored of living in the caves of Tora Bora? How hard would it be to find someone that looks exactly like him or to pay surgeons to create a look alike? After all, once the firefight has died down, there is much to rely on physical appearance to determine the validity of the person.

Unless you're a CSI fan.

Anyway i think we should all take this as what the media is feeding us and REJOICE. That 3000 over lives lost has finally been revenged on. So is 1 = 3000?


1 comment:

Shy Lee said...

9-11 US killed their own 'son and daugther' ..ini adalah drama x)