Sunday, December 04, 2011

What a Sunday

It was 12 noon on a sunday and as usual I was still on my bed. Waking but not quiet cept for the urgency to pee. I got up when Sue called to say she packed breakfast for me hence I went out took the pack in and continue to lie on my bed.

Went to the washroom to brush my teeth and relieve myself. I just started up my laptop when a knock came. Still blur, I went to open the door to find kit hock standing in front.

he : David, you car kena bang!

I was taken aback. I thought he was joking. Then i saw he wasn't. I ran out and saw...

Apparently the guy reached behind to put his bottle, lost control of his car and it crashed into mine. Kit hock told me that he was asleep when he heard a loud BANG, woke up and saw my car sliding backwards.

Looking at it now, I wonder how fast the fella was going on campus to cause such severe damage to my old faithful. She was leaking too.

FML, Now to see through the insurance claim without a hitch.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

This might be

It's rather disheartening to hear "Oh, this might be rather tough for you." Yes it is, but you don't have to keep saying it. Say it once, fine. Say it 3-4 times and I begin to think you think I'm dumb which I think that you're thinking that I think you think I'm dumb.

Doesn't bode well does it?

Other than that, I've have no complains bout you chap, you were helpful and willing to explain. But it's just too bad I have zero experience or even learnt on finite elements and bridge designs. Hmmm, maybe you should say that phrase that more?

All in all it was a good meeting. It was signed, sealed and confirmed that I'm in a shit hole and it's a rather deep one. The only way to get out is to climb as hard as possible and as fast as possible.

With a deadline of less than one month from now, I think I have to really step up to another gear. Or else it's designing houses for sparrow. FML

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Battle scars and bruises. Owh these are just the dew drops in the morning. Hehehe. Bring down the rain!

Saturday, November 12, 2011


I think i'm about to come to a crossroad. A crossroad between where I want to go and what I want to do. Do I want to stay here? Not really, I want to go overseas and work where with the exchange rate i'll earn in 2 years what people need to work here for 5.

It all works out very well in my mind, but does it really happen as how I think  hope it would? How often has life turned out the way we wanted to? Not very often for me but no matter how lousy or how detrimental the situation seems to be, it'll somehow work out fine. And thats what i'm hoping for, that somehow my plans will work out fine.

Now all i have to do is to get a concrete plan. God Speed.

Monday, November 07, 2011


From TheStar:

p/s : PLEASE listen to the experts and stop being so arrogant or just plain stupid?

Don: English standard of undergrads still not up to par

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia is on par with or ahead of some of the regional countries in terms of investment in education.
However, the quality of its undergraduates’ command of English still remains an issue.
Dr Marie Aimee Tourres, a senior research fellow at the Department of Development Studies, Universiti Malaya (UM), said it was crucial for graduates to have a good command of English to ensure they would be able to compete effectively in the global job market.
Nevertheless, “in terms of education spending, Malaysia is comparable to some countries in the region based on the percentage spent over its gross domestic product (GDP) growth”, she said.
She said Malaysia was actually spending more than other countries.
In Budget 2012, RM13.6bil was allocated to the social sector, including education and training, health, welfare, housing and community development.
Dr Tourres said there was also a lot of focus given to training and re-training of graduates, which was important to continuously upgrade skilled and knowledge workers in the country.
However, the quality of undergraduates remains an issue.
“Language is definitely an issue,” she said, citing a recent publication by the World BankThe Road to Academic Excellence, which is a study on what contributes to a world-class research university.
The study compared UM and the National University of Singapore (NUS) in a chapter titled “The National University of Singapore and the University of Malaya: Common Roots and Different Paths”.
In the report, it was stated that as NUS kept pace with the demands of a growing economy that sought to become competitive internationally, with English continuing as the language of instruction and research, UM began to focus inward as proficiency in English declined in favour of the national language.
“This generation will have to face international standards and competition in terms of job market, as part of globalisation,” said Dr Tourres.
She cited Pakistan, where she gives lectures, as an example.
“In Pakistan, although the people speak different dialects next to the Urdu language, their English is better than our graduates,” she noted.
She said it made them more marketable in the global environment.
Dr Tourres believed that even if Malaysia gave more focus to English, the national language and culture could still prosper, provided that teaching was made interesting. — Bernama

Tuesday, November 01, 2011


I have all the time in the world yet why do i still feel so hard pressed for time? It's not that I get less time compared to anyone else but why are people able to accomplish things which I can only oogle at?

I know I'm idling most of the time but idling is better than working no? Working is better than studying is it not? Did I not enjoy going to work everyday savouring my RM1 nasi lemak whilst drinking coffee in the morning that would power me through the day?

Then how come I'm not striving to secure a better job? But I've got all the time in the world. I have plenty of time to decide where I want to be and what I want to do.

Having said that, this week is gonna wheez by so fast I'll be back in KL before I can rant about staying on campus. If time seems to be passing so quickly, can I still affirm that I have plenty of time? Or am I just ignorant like the rest?

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Malaysia and growing



Thursday, October 06, 2011

RIP Steve Jobs

RIP Steve Jobs, though I don't use your overly priced iphone and regard it as phoney sometimes but I will always thank you for giving me your greatest invention.

The Ipod

May you rest in peace and God be with you.

Saturday, October 01, 2011

The big bang theory

The star on top of the christmas tree. LOL.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Why can’t we assess our teachers?’ (The Star)

Probably the only reason the ministry does not allow High school students to evaluate teachers is that they do not trust them to be logical enough to evaluate fairly.

Which is true. Kids will definitely vote with their emotions and if reviews are as important as people make them to be, a few teacher's life would be very poor indeed.

I'm saying this because i get to evaluate my lecturers in uni. Suck it up kids, don't be in such a hurry to grow up, and don't think you can think maturely all the time.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Eight is Always Great!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Read bout Airplanes!

I just pulled the following article off one of the links in The Economist. It details a real first hand experience due  the idiocy of some members of the society. I pity this guy and i feel for him.

To Whom It May Concern,

My name is Vance Gilbert.

I live in Arlington, MA.

I am a homeowner, having been here 10+ years, I have a partner, and we have two 52lb Standard Poodles.

I am a 6 foot tall, bespectacled, slightly greying, 52 year old, 230 lb African-American male with a close hair cut.

On August 14, 2011, I boarded United Airlines Flight UA #3483 from Boston to Dulles on time and was seated in an isle seat #9C on an Embraer 170. I was dressed in shorts, baseball hat, t-shirt, hiking boots, and unbuttoned Jimmy Buffett Hawaiian shirt (covered with airplanes). As the door was being closed, we were told it was a full flight, meaning 70 - 80 people. I had my backpack under the seat in front of me, and my fanny pack/wallet behind my heels.

After the doors were closed the flight attendant came down the isle checking security buckling, bag clearance etc., and asked if she could put my fanny pack above me in the overhead bin. I replied to her that I'd be fine just stuffing it next to my back-pack under seat in front of me as it contained my wallet etc and that I'd rather have it near. She seemed fine with that resolution. All that was done without consternation or belligerence, and I thought nothing of it.

Now, I am a musician by trade and an amateur aviation historian, studying mostly European transport aircraft between WW1 and WW2, and some after. I was on my way to two different music festivals. When I travel I delve into reading about this era of aviation. I had taken out and was reading a book of Polish Aircraft circa 1946 and I was also looking at views of an Italian aircraft from 1921.

I think you see where this is going...

The plane went all the way out to the take-off point, in the queue for take-off. All the while I noticed a lot of phone pinging back and forth between the flight attendants. The young woman flight attendant was also crouched next to and conversing seriously to a dead-heading pilot about 4 seats up on the other side. The plane then proceeded to turn around and head all the way back to the gate. Once at the gate, the jet bridge was positioned. The Captain announced, "We have a minor issue, and we will continue our departure once it's resolved." He left the aircraft.

After about 5 - 10 minutes, 2 Mass State Policemen, 1 or 2 TSA Agents, and the bursar for the flight come down the isle and motion me to get off of the plane. I do not remember if they called me by name. We stepped out into the breezeway where one of the State policemen asked how I was doing that day.

I replied, "Sir, I think you're going to tell me I could be doing much better..."

Policeman: "Did you have a problem with your bag earlier?"

Me: "No sir, not at all. The flight attendant wanted it secured elsewhere other than behind my feet, and I opted to put it under the seat in front of me. It's my wallet, even though there's only 30 bucks in it…And all that was done without belligerence, or words for that matter…it was all good.

A few beats...

Policeman: "Sir, were you looking at a book of airplanes?"

Me: "Yes sir I was. I am a musician for money, but for fun I study old aircraft and build models of them, and the book I was reading was of Polish Aircraft from 1946."

Policeman: "Would you please go get that book so that i can see it?"

I go back onto the plane - all eyes are on me like I was a common criminal. Total humiliation part 2.

After a couple of minutes he says, "Why, this is all Snoopy Red Baron stuff..."

Me: "Yes sir, actually the triplane you see is Italian, from 1921 a little after World War 1..."

Policeman: "No problem here then, you can go on back on to the plane, sorry to inconvenience you...and have a nice flight".

We were now at least, after re-queuing, over an hour late. No one looked me in the eye, flight attendants, passengers. I missed my next connection, and had to cancel that portion of the flight (fair $ value equaling ??) and rent a car ($270) plus fuel ($30) to my work (lost 1/2 wages = $100), and I was afraid to read for the next two flights.

I silently wept the whole flight to DC. I've never been so frightened or humiliated. I'm shaking even writing this.

How much money was lost between the airline, the other travelers? - I couldn't begin to calculate.

How damaged am I from this experience? I'm not feeling particularly American. I'm angry, dumbfounded, frightened.

Would this have happened to the 30-ish Caucasian woman sitting across the aisle from me (who left her seat, water bottle, and book, never to be seen for the rest of the "completely full" flight)? Is it now against the law to be dark and read a book about historic aircraft?

What's my take-away from this experience as a taxpayer, United Airlines patron, Black Man, teacher, mentor, American? I was broken hearted and speechless as I overheard my friend's wife try to explain to her kids what happened and what he and I were talking about over dinner. They never did get why.

What do I tell your children?


What do I do now - please advise?

Please contact me at the email above

Thanks in advance,

Vance Gilbert
Arlington, MA


Flying While Black & Reading Antique Aviation Books

Just because a black man was reading a book about airplanes, don't go blow things out of proportions thinking he's reading his manual on how to blow up planes. Some discretion and thought is what was needed to avoid such an embarrassing scenario, Sighhh..... 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Someone had to bring his guard dog out. Might as well they just stay home and play with each other.

Spoil the fun.

Night of Your Life

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Saturday, July 09, 2011

July 09 2011

It is times like these that you asked yourself. Where were you when they took over the world? To remain apolitical at this hour is not an option as it shows a great sense of apathy and neglect and the condemnation of ones future.

The people should be given the right to peaceful protest as that is their right in a democracy. Having been denied that freedom, can we still consider ourselves to be in a democracy? Or are we in a sham pseudo-democratic governance?

Obstructed and hindered by our nation's security forces spoon fed by the ruling party. The Rakyat had to endure beatings, tear gases and barricades of barb wire. But standing firm and persevering, we have achieved our goals and aims.

Reports of security forces firing tear gases into a maternity hospital has been confirmed by witnesses account on twitter. Have they gone mad? Were we on our way to become another Syria where the security forces sided with the ruling Dictator sprayed on innocent citizens?

No, we are not. The extent of action was dropping tear gas canister from helicopters onto people's head and into maternity hospital suffocating toddlers. That is the humanity showcased by our security forces. That is the reaction meted out to the peaceful protest.

I condemn you for your actions, the Rakyat condemns you and the World will condemn you. You are but living on borrowed time, the economic reforms and public service reform are but a decoy to cast a mist in our eyes. But we see through it all. Your time has come.

RAHMAN will hold true.

Monday, June 20, 2011

House Always Win

I think one of the major pull about casino is not you'll always have the chance to win since you'll have an equal chance to lose, but the probability of using a small capital to win big amounts.

Though how many people and how often these people win big is up for intepretation.

So what makes these people keep coming back? The psychological effect of winning is so big that they will remember winning even if it's for that one time and they will keep going back to rekindle the memory of that feeling.

But it will never be the same. They will never be able to achieve that emotional high of winning for that very first time unless, unless they hit the jackpot or an amount they never fathom they could win. That, will be the new psychological benchmark.

This makes losing acceptable. It's part of the process, you win some you lose some. They will console themselves. Always. That's probably the reason why losers are not quitters. Even if they have to borrow or beg, they will return to the casino floor.

The gravity of winning overwhelms their ability to control their lust.

Saturday, June 04, 2011

The way it should be

White haired people should not have to send black haired people/

Sunday, May 29, 2011

UEFA Final Defeat

Barca why must you be so cruel? Is it not enough that you lift the cup? Do you really need to hammer 3 goals into the back of our net?

Monday, May 16, 2011

And I don't want the world to see me, cause I don't think that they'll understand.

 When everything's meant to be broken, I just want you to know who I am.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

First week of Internship

Today was the first time in 2 weeks that i had the energy and want of going out. Watching Man Utd lift the cup was very uplifting if you leave out the last 6 dull minutes of the game. I would've preferred them to go at it for another goal then to just sit back boringly and secure the win. But that's just me.

For the past 2 weeks I've been waking up at 0700 hours daily on weekdays to get my lazy ass over to Technip at Jln Tun Razak. I'll be undergoing an internship that lasts for 3 months until the first week of August. All very exciting,

On my first day, i wore new shirt and pants and even spotted a tie. I even polished my new shoe. First impressions are important unless you're working at site then you're an idiot. Tried to look less of a schoolboy as possible but I dont think i succeeded very well. After registering with Ms. Vicky who recruited me, I was given a  short briefing together with other newbies to the company and mini tour.

Technip has an auditorium and a pool table. Immediately i told myself damn, i'll be spending quite a lot of time here.

That dream was shattered after the first week.

There isn't many hot chicks there. And on my floor there's only one girl and she's quite senior. Life was looking rather dull and sad. Until the department secretary handed me some DWP and GWP.

My first 2 days was spent reading those. It was a sleep test according to a senior draftswoman. And boy was she correct.

DWP - Department Working Procedure
GWP - General Working Procedure.

I almost failed. Almost.

Then i was given my first task:

Complete or try on the examples given in STAAD Pro. I thought like hey, im pretty good with computers so doing these wont be too difficult rite? WRONG!!

Blardy hell, some commands cant even be found and others you have to type it yourself! I didnt even know there's an editor before!

Well, i didnt take Software last sem. Take concrete some more! Quite the useful what. Sigh...

Anyway, after spending a full day on those examples i finally know how to do member offset and response spectrum to name a few.

I'm not gonna spill much bout my work but all in all, it's been rather good for me. I am not enjoying it much since I look like a dumb schoolboy over there but I like the working environment. It's challenging. I enjoy it much. Cant wait for my next task. I'm sure it's gonna be another challenge.

Je ne peur pas!

Monday, May 02, 2011

Osama bin Laden : DECEASED

Born as one of the sons to a multi billionaire Saudi businessman, he was 'awaken' to a sort of religious zealotry that encouraged him to plan and execute such atrocities with his most famous 'feat', the destruction of the twin world trade centres building in New York.

The war on terror has finally achieved it's utmost priority, the capture or death of Osama bin Laden, the mastermind behind the 9-11 attacks.

He was killed in a firefight off the city of Islamabad with US ground forces claiming his body after the battle. It appears that his body in now on its way to the United States.

But this might be sort of a subterfuge. By the US maybe? Take a long look at it, The war on terror doesnt seem to be going very well. Ground forces are locked in a stalemate and there wasnt any 'big' news to be considered as success.

Or it might just be a ploy from Osama bin laden, to take some heat off his back? Maybe he got bored of living in the caves of Tora Bora? How hard would it be to find someone that looks exactly like him or to pay surgeons to create a look alike? After all, once the firefight has died down, there is much to rely on physical appearance to determine the validity of the person.

Unless you're a CSI fan.

Anyway i think we should all take this as what the media is feeding us and REJOICE. That 3000 over lives lost has finally been revenged on. So is 1 = 3000?


Monday, April 25, 2011


Geoffrey Canada : Every day, Canada is driven by a deep belief that all children can succeed, regardless of race, wealth or ZIP code.

He definitely didn't come to Malaysia

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Sometimes I do wonder if wearing longs pants and collar tee will make me a better student than when im wearing shorts and tee-shirts

Friday, April 15, 2011

Next Semester

I've been thinking recently, i wonder what should i take next semester. Should take English speaking or should i enhance my proficiency in the other languages?

I've almost forgotten my German and it's such a shame. German was so interesting and fun to learn. It might be due to meine lehrerin being such a sehr gut Frau. I think it might be because it isn't too difficult to grasp and understand.

Unlike French, Il est facile pas et tres difficile. Envidenment im having a hard time remembering words and learning new ones. Blardy french is very similar to English and some words are even spelt the same but gives a whole different meaning. Peut-etre the English copied the french. Nevertheless, french is still kinda sexy for me and lvl 300 looks rather tempting.

I am able to write a little but still unable to speak as fluent as i like. Maybe taking the next level will enable me to fake a parisian-born-chinese speech. Il y a tres bon pour montrer.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

A cretin is being censored unlawfully and a cretin being a cretin gobbles it up nonetheless.But do not fear, I will rebound, you invisible dark hand will never prevail for long!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Will be back to the place where i belong in 2 weeks and 2 days.

But now, work work.

Monday, April 04, 2011

Mr. A Teaser Video

 This video is rated -U-
Sesuai untuk ditonton oleh semua lapisan masyarakat.

No actual sex scenes are shown. All you get are some saggy boobs. So is he or is he not the man in the video?

 Video has been removed due to the fact that police are looking for the person who uploaded the vid hence i fear they will also look for ppl who is spreading. I do not want to be ISA-ed. Screw me for being a coward.

Would definitely have hired a hotter girl. Might as well make full use of it rite? I am saddened when newspapers blared foreign! I thought maybe Russian or some woman from Uzbekistan. Bloody hell, CHINESE IS FOREIGN???

Bo ko leng!

SP rekect moi

I just got rejected by SP setia. According to them, I have excellent credentials and qualities but they just can't fit me in their organizations.

These rejection letter makes u feel so good about yourself that u might forget you're being rejected and that all those niceties are just a load of bullshit.

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Poco-poco dance

This is the poco-poco dance.

Recently it has been banned by a local mufti who is pursuing the issuance of a fatwa to ban it being danced at in public places.Apparently it contains elements of christianity and the worship of idols. Is that just a fancy way of saying taoism?

I had no idea what a poco-poco dance is but hving read it from The Star i went to youtube to search for a video on this poco-poco.

Poco-poco apparently means CHUBBY in indon. Unless my translation is way off. After watching the video, it looked like an ordinary stupid dance that people are always inclined to organize at events. It looked harmless and could even be a load of fun.

Many people were disappointed with the decision of the Perak JAKIM and it is rather outrageous that a dance will be banned in public for no solid reasons. But what's more important is that we have this overtly zealous elite making decisions on behalf of the people that is driving us backwards.

We are like sheeps and they the shepherds, herding us towards the wrong direction. Religous fundamentalism is growing in Malaysia and that bodes ill for many of us. What i detest most about the fundamentalists is that they are always just too conservative or too extreme. They never did know how to balance things. And i dont think they know how either.

I think we're all gonna be screwed if religous idiots are given seats of power and as it can be seen, some really do make it and began proving their idiocy right off the mark. I think i'm gonna go pray to that statue sitting on a tall table. She might just hear my prayer.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Things are looking rather bleak.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


The role of the United Nations will be determined in 2011. People of the future will look back to this very year and say "Oh, so this is the year that started it all!"

Is it UN's rise to prominence or its fall to be forever consigned to the back pages of history? The actions taken and the results of those actions will affect the way the UN is pictured in every person's mind.

Is this body just a big clumsy one with too much tape around or is it the epitome of unity and cooperation? 2011 will be the year the United Nations should be remembered.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Bank Of Negara!

I just checked my email and found this hiding in one of my junk mails. My curiosity got the better of me and i soon found myself reading through the whole email.

I was so tempted to give them everything they wanted, except they didn't ask for money. All they did was ask me for my address, Identification card number, telephone number and etc which i am unwilling to disclose even to my University. Too bad! Why didn't they give me a bank account to transfer a sum of my money to enable me to receive my 7.5 million USD? Why? Why?

I will now publish the said letter from BANK OF NEGARA! Wtf man, if you wanna con a Malaysian at least speak the language right!

                     Central Bank Of Malaysia 
                     Jalan Dato' Onn  P.O. Box 10922 
                      50929 Kuala Lumpur
                      TEL: +601-9374-0308
Ref:   BNM/SGH/231/01                      
Date:  14TH MARCH 2011. 
Release/Transfer Notice for your due Funds (US$7,500,000:00).
Payment File No: A.
24Hrs Service
It is very important that the recipient of this Letter should call this office 
in other to confirm it to us that this very Letter was received by the true 
You are advised to read this Letter very carefully because every 
paragraph explains what you need to know about the Release and 
Transfer of your due Funds.
At this point, we wish to remind you to stop all further contact with any 
person or person(s) whom is not recommended by this bank. Our 
Intelligence Monitoring Unit (I.M.U), Code of Conduct Bureau, Legal 
Unit and The Royal Malaysian Police Force  have already apprehended 
some of those suspects whom attempted to divert your Funds.
You are advised to stop all further contact with some scammer you have 
been dealing with, that have defrauded you of huge sums because they 
are WANTED criminal suspects.
As the Governor Of the Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) , I work on behalf of the Paying 
Bank, Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) under the supervision of the 
honourable President of Malaysia
We are glad to announce it to you today that the honourable President of 
Malaysia and the Accountant General of the 
Federation have collectively Approved and signed the Order to Release 
and Transfer being the certified documentation authorizing us (Bank of Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) to credit your nominated Bank Account.. 
A copy of the Order to Release and Transfer have been forwarded to our 
international remittance department for the onward crediting of your 
In other words, we put it to you that we are ready to remit your said Funds 
into your choiced Bank Account because we have a 3-4 working days time 
constrain to Pay-off each beneficiary short-listed to be Paid by this 
Bank. Our Legal Unit have already reviewed your Payment Files and 
they have passed it on to my desk for me to Pay you accordingly, so be 
rest assured that you will receive your due Funds as soon as possible. 
Officially, you will receive your due Funds via an "Electronic Wire 
Transfer" which will enable your Funds reflect in your choiced Bank 
Account within 48hrs after effect. This mode of Payment is defined as one 
of the best and safest mode to remit huge Funds internationally as it is 
absolutely different from the usual swift transfer which takes longer time. 
Most Banks within the United States of America, Europe and other 
developed countries operate with the "Electronic Wire Transfer" for 
international transfers because it is a recent innovation in the Banking 
Certainly we shall transfer your valued US$7,500,000:00 from the 
Sundry/Suspense Account of the Federal Government of Nigeria being 
the official Account for international/foreign Payments/debts. A 
Sundry/Suspense Account can be defined as a secret Account owned by a 
government and operated by certain assigned government officials being 
the authorized signatories whom must sign before Funds can be remitted 
from such account. For this very account no form of direct withdrawals can 
be made from it except a Bank to Bank wire transfer which must be 
Approved by the honourable President being the principal signatory to the 
Consequent to the fact that I am responsible to Pay you, it is still my duty 
to enlighten you on the accurate steps to take in order for you to gain full 
possession of this said Funds being Approved in your name.
In the combat against fraud, Funds divertion and Funds delay, we have re
-lenghtly ensured that several foreign beneficiaries have been Paid 
accordingly in order to retain and rekindle our country's reputation on the 
global map because this recent government dispensation is focused and 
targeted to relieve all foreign debts as mandated by The Senate, The 
National House of Assembly, The Federal Executive Council (F.E.C), 
Code of Conduct Bureau and The Federal Ministry of Finance Malaysia.  
Already, alot of foreign beneficiaries have been Paid by this Ministry so 
yours will not be an exception considering the fact that the honourable 
President have Approved your due Funds today dated  21st February 2011. 
In accordance to section (1) paragraph 9 of the Settlement Edict Law of 
Malaysia Government of 1992, it is imperative that you provide 
us with the below listed information so that we can Pay you.
1. Full Name
2.Bank Name and Address.
3. Bank Account Number.
4.Routing Number/Swift Code (very important).
5. Your Residential Address.
 6.Your mobile or home telephone Number.
 A form of identification (I.D Card or Driver's License) is also required 
for official references. 
The TRUTH is what we stand for. Tel: +601-9374-0308
This Official Letter is being issued to you by "Bank of Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM)" in collaboration with The Presidency.
Copied to:
The Accountant General of Malaysia.
Bank of Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM).
The President's office.
Yours Sincerely,
Bank of Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM)    
Direct Tel: +601-9374-0308

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Hunger Pands

Today i had breakfast at 1000hrs with much gratitude to Dr. Tennis with Dennis for being such a bore.

My next meal was 49 minutes ago.

kithock started to look like a big turkey just now. Damn.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Malaysia's Embarrassment

Not only is it the epitome of a man's stupidity, but it signifies the inhumanity and insensitivity to the plight of others showcased by our very own Malaysian paper.

A caricature just days before depicting Ultraman running away from a tsunami already carrying debris, making twisted joke out of something so horrendous.

Maybe we should learn to take a chill pill yo?

What about our greatest and most beloved one and only wife of our One leader. Blaming the tsunami to Japan's ignorance of its environment and the neglect for green technology and eco-friendly ways.

Seriously? WHAT THE FUCK???? An earthquake of that magnitude will devastate any other country more than japan. Japan is unlucky that a natural catastrophe occurred, she doesnt need any random person speaking without thinking with her brains. We are lucky that we are not situated within the ring of fire, otherwise, i dare not think otherwise.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Japan Nuclear Rumour

I'm sure you guys have heard of the devastating 8.9 magnitude earthquake that shook the whole of Japan.
One of the after effect of the earthquake was the failure and explosion of a nuclear facility in the Fukushima prefecture.

As can be seen on new,s the explosion of one of the reactors released a cloud of smoke and steam into the air. Officials have declared that it contains zero or very little radiation which means it isnt a health hazard.

A second explosion has just occured a few hours ago at the same plant but officials are refuting the claim that a nuclear meltdown has occured. BBC news has interview certain personnel in the relevant field that this scenario appears to be more like 3 mile island than Chernobyl.

A nuclear incident occurred on 3 mile island where the outer case of the reactor exploded BUT the radiation was contained!

There was been rumours spreading one saying the radiation will reach Penang hill at 4pm today which means it'll probably reach Nibong Tebal at around now, 5.20pm. Ladies and Gentleman, do we hear flash news of people in hong kong or taiwan dying form radiation?

Another warned people from going out if it rains as the rain might be acidic and that it will burn your arms, head, hair and everything.

Loads of bullshit. Since the rumour stated BBCnews as a source, i quickly surfed the website and searched through every update available. BBC DID NOT report a spread of radiation to Malaysia at 4pm nor that rains will be acidic today.

However, a US vessel 100 miles off the coast of japan did record a LOW LEVEL radiation which is not left threatening.

As of now, what you nice people can do is STOP helping this rumour to spread by checking out the validity and originality of the source before re-posting it.

People are so addicted to instant information that you shouldnt be suprised that some are tempted to play reporter by spreading things that are untrue. This 2 'news' are cases in point.

If you really want to have instant updates on the Japanese Earthquake, go here

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Yie Sue, Joyeux Anniversaire

This is Her....


Zum Geburstag, Baby

Saturday, March 05, 2011


Today my laptop was infected by a virus named RVHOST.exe. Google-ing it reveals quite a number of results that were comforting. Getting hits means you'll probably be able to get some solutions.

I was found out my comp was infected when i turned it on in the morning or afternoon depending on how you judge when you wake up, and everything looks fine. But after entering my password, i was greeted with a permanent BLACK screen. All you can see is black and your mouse cursor which you can move. Nothing else.

I then brought to IT zone, an IT shop near to my uni, they checked it for abit, told me it's an autorun virus and recommended that i reformat. Of coz, reformatting is the easiest in fact dumbest solution to getting infected by virus since you lose eveyrthing because of one or 2 files.

I contacted benny and he told me it was Child's Play. That child's play took me 4 hours to complete.

The thing abour RVhost is that, not only is your screen frozen black, Task Manager is also disabled. To irritate you more, regedit is also disabled hence there's no quick fix.

I logged into my Guest account and tried to fix it from there. I did manage to delete RVhost.exe from the task manager which keeps my task manager seen and finally my desktop screen too. How i managed to do that was by becoming the flash. ctrl+shift+Esc to call up task manager then had to choose the right process to end. The thing is that, pressing it once calls up the task manager for ONE sec. RVHOST is that fucked up.

So i got a bright idea to lag my comp by calling up task manager multiple times. The number reached was 190 tasks. But deleting it was the easy part. Next i tried to edit the registry as i was taught in

but error kept poping up. I guessed it was because it's not an administrator account.

All in all, after 4 hours of relentless trying. i Finally succeeded in shoving  RVhost.exe out of my laptop. And i never want to see it appear again.

So guys, next time scan whoever's pendrive you're inserting.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Chap Goh Mei

This took place about 2 weeks ago.

So we just got back to campus thinking there will be a test but found out that it was canceled at the last minute. Hence, out we go through the campus gates straight away.

1st thing we did when we reach Penang Island was to savour a bowl of herbal soup. Situated in Sg Pinang Food court, it looked just like any other stall except it's a tad bigger. We ordered a black chicken herbal soup. It wasnt too shabby albeit the soup was seriously black in colour.

We then went to try 'Kou Lou Sah hor fun.' Now i've known this place a few years back. My dad brought me here but i kept forgetting to introduce this place. Coincidentally, sue searched online for good 'Oo chian' Fried Oyster and it was located at this very same stall.
Unsurprisingly we ordered both at the same time. =)

Since it was about 4pm and we had a planned dinner at 7-8pm. We needed to do some walking! But we had to find the location of the restaurant first.. We parked on king street and just started walking as 'The Sire Museum' is located on King's street.

We walked the whole street but couldn't find it. Something smoky caught our eyes. It seems there are some procession or event up front. Since we needed some digestive help anyway we walked towards it.

We saw lots of people gathering infront of the Kuan yin temply and there was a structure with holes erected in front of it. Next to it was a chinese association building and then we saw it. We are in our very first Chap Goh Mei festival in Penang!

Stuff like this, you dont get to see it in kl. And having been to Penang countless times, this is the first time that i got to experience.
There was also a street food section where people where invited to hawk their wares. We noticed a 'Char ke' stall which was frequented by many people. Alas, we were still full.
Having planned to catch a movie at 9pm, we chose to forgo that to play audience to this celebration.
There were flag throwers and cute little girls selling 'Kam' which is mandarin oranges.
You buy the 'kam' and throw into coloured holes of the hole-y structure i mentioned earlier. Each colour bears a different wish. If i remember correctly, Blue-Career, Yellow-Wealth, Green-Health, Red-Family.
Took me 4 times to get my orange into the hole. Sue was being a showoff.
We found out there will be a lion dance perfomance at around 9.30-10pm by the main troupe of Penang. Promises to be spectacular. Since people were gathering inside the Chinese Association for the opening ceremony, we continue our search for The Sire Museum and have our dinner.
I whipped out my bb and using google maps found out that the restaurant was located a few meters from where i parked my car. But if we did find it earlier, we wouldnt have seen the Chap Goh Mei festival. Blessing in disguise i guess.
Free bread! Woohooo, we all like free stuff.

Sue had her mushroom soup. Which wasnt one of the best but it's one of the good ones. Being not creamy, we could really taste the mushroom and feel the texture of grinded? Blended? mushroom.

Sue ordered a Salmon with Croissant. The salmon was generously served and it was fresh. What more could u ask for from a RM28 dish?

I ordered lamb cutlets with mushroom sauce. It was D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S! Having not eaten lamb for quite some times now. And i dont know why. This lamb is just the thing that tempt the gluttony in me for lamb. I dont need to describe it, just take a look for yourself. And it's cheap to, about RM38 if im not mistaken.

After that Sue dragged me to cam whore around the restaurant.

Once she was satisfied, we rushed back to the temple to watch the Lion Dance. Alas, it was almost over when we reach. Oh wells, there's always next year.

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Racist That You Are

                I’ve never participated in a student election before hence I was like a frog under a coconut shell when I was exposed to the reality and cruelty of one today. It’s not that I didn’t have a chance but rather I wasn’t really interested in politics. Nevertheless I think if I did run for something I’ll probably get one in a million votes, from my mom from way back in kl.

                The way I see it, there was stereotype evident in every sector of the assembly, with the Chinese one side and the Malays in the other. We keep trying to persuade ourselves that we are united and above the race issue. We are not. It’s not that we were born racists it’s just that sometimes we get afraid and that sometimes we are hard pressed against the wall.

                The man with a plan and the correct choice of words wins. That’s politics. Let’s face it, people of the masses wouldn’t know if you are capable or not from the look of your face but If you can persuade them that you are, then you’ve got them hooked. The person able to speak the best with a mastery of language wins. I probably should then I speak 5 damn languages. VOTE FOR ME BITCHES!

                People pretending to be your friends will be your friends until the last minute. I don’t much fancy this racial bias but I can’t say so for the rest of them. I mean to support someone just because they have the same colour whilst rejecting another who might be more capable is just lost in me. But what do I know rite? It’s just politics.

                You might say, oh this is just a student election it doesn’t matter. But most of our current leaders graduated from some university somewhere, doesn’t it make u wonder that things might have manifested from something that doesn’t matter?

                Looking at Egypt and the present situation in the Mid east you cant help but wonder when can we as a proud multi racial country break the mould and truly vote for a capable person and not just to protect something or ourselves. Sorry ISA I aint inciting anything please don’t catch me.
                Coming back to the assembly, what I saw was awfully sad for our country. The racial divide begins from the speaker’s stand with the Chinese on one side and the Malays the other. The Indians, I love your curry but you’re the minority of the minority in this campus. Don’t hate me, you know that is true.
                Kudos to our Civil School. Where every other school has a no contention seat, we gave the people a choice. There were 2 candidates, both being fine speakers and having a great plan of their own. It would be rather tight if I were to make a choice but I would in the end choose the person that I trust most that I believe to have caliber and not because he share my skin or my eyes. Us Chinese, we are born to be branded as small eyes so live with it.

                I am gonna go local(meaning im gonna talk bout my Civil school) and rant for abit now. If you are not willing to read further please click the X on the top right corner. If you get angry after reading this, I am no longer in campus. If u agree with what I say, just smile. If you’re the ISA, I am with Petra now in the UK, burning Malaysian ringgit on Southampton beer.

                Ladies and gentleman, my fellow friends, I hope you will not follow the footsteps of your forefathers. Be brave, be intelligent. Prove that are worthy of the title of an undergraduate with aspirations and brains to achieve that. You need to realize that things are much bigger than they seem an that you might be the snowflake that causes an avalanche wiping everything in it’s way.

                You dumbasses should read a little more and grow from that cocoon that you are in. You might be from the north or from the south it doesn’t matter because what matters is your mentality and your mentality is that of a lioness.

                Am I saying you’re not a human? Maybe I am, because all a lioness wants to do is to rear her cub into a big strong lion. She don’t care if her fellow lioness starves or shit. All she cares for is herself and her breed. AND THAT’S YOU! Reflect and think if I am accusing you wrongly?

                You people flaunt that one civil and one Malaysia crap at me. You wear the shirt every week and you promote that ONE shit. What I see and I feel is that you people are just doing what’s convenient for you. You profess that you’re are not racial bias and that you feel truly in a family of civilians. Yet when the time of tribulations come, you disappear from sight. Don’t flaunt that bullshit at me when me not wearing that shirt feels as homely with Malays and non-malays alike. Keep that bullshit where you keep other bullshit, in your cupboard.

                It’s time to break the fucking mould. Grow up, be mature. It’s no longer he’s black and he’s dumb. Or he’s white and he’s rich. It’s about who you are inside. If you truly believe he is capable vote for that bitch! Don’t vote for another just because your friends are pressuring you or that you fear your seniors. Heck if any fucker dares to even points a finger at you aggressively, I’m sure the whole batch; malay, Chinese and Indian alike gonna be infront of you.

                Sorry, I shouldn’t flaunt this family stuff. You probably don’t believe in unity because all you believe in is race. It’s time to make a difference, it’s time for change. If we as the future leaders do not change our racists and lop-sided mindset, we will be in the same path as our forefathers. And I would very much hate to see that.

                So fuck me and fuck you racists bastards and bitches.

Oh, and for being racist, you might not be able to comprehend my post completely. Oops?

Friday, January 28, 2011

I Wanna Be An Engineer!

WATCH THIS!! Hilarious!

Make sure you listen to the lyrics, very well panned out.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The abusive Cunt & Doreen Loo the Whore

I do not know if you have seen this video but it's been spreading like wildfire on facebook. Sue was telling me about this a few hours and i couldn't really relate to her anger. Then i watched the video and I understood perfectly what made her so angry.

I am infuriated by the lack of humanity, no im sorry. Im being too nice. By the absence of humanity in this beast and god forsake son of a bitch. Putting your mom's picture in your album don't score you any points you mother fucker.

I'm pretty sure you didnt get your dosage of drugs for that day. Maybe because you're so god damn sick u dont have any money to buy ketamine or ice or whatever fuck shit you down that ugly piece of shit you call a body that u 'decorate' with lead so that you could die faster.

Maybe subconsciously you realised that life is too kind. Giving you life was too kind. That you are better off dead or consigned to the depths of hell. Because that's where you should be. But don't, it's not a matter of IF u get there, it's when u get there and how long you gonna stay there you mentally ill bastard.

You know, you probably think you're great and very macho. But in fact, you're just a fucking big pussy, as big as your mom who beared you to this earth. Sorry, i shouldn't blame your mom for getting fucked and bearing you in a petrol station toilet. I'm blaming her for being such a lousy parent and taught you nothing. Shit, sorry again. She didnt teach u nothing. If she did teach you nothing then you wouldn't have learnt how to be so abusive. Hmmm, maybe you got it from your dad.

Your shadow is a fading one and light will shine and justice will be served on a hot plate rite up your ass. Yes, you wouldnt know what hit you when it does. Your gangster friends wouldnt have the balls to bail your broke-ass out because let's face it, no one can go against public opinion. And that includes you you castrated useless bastard son of gun.

Ahh, i realised there's a bigger bitch here. DOREEN LOO you filthy whore. That dickface is in the wrong for abusing that poor little poodle but you are more wrong for just standing there and video taping the abuse. Not partaking doesnt make you innocent and there must be some law that puts bitches that don't stop an abuse to jail.

Your face is similar to that poop i shit in the toilet this morning and you probably smelt just like it too. That's why you can only attract flies around you. And which is also why you will remain poor for the rest of your life you blardy bitch.

How can you put up with such actions where the dog is yours? Did u buy it to torture it? Then why have it in the first place? If you're gonna argue that you loved that poodle then why the fuck didn't you do anything?

I am gonna stop myself now.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Red Undies For Luck

I guess we Civil-ians are as entangled as ever. When the luck runs out from one of us, it runs out from all of us. 22 January 2011 was when the house cards falls down with a huge boom.

It started off perfectly. Everyone was merry and everyone was smiling and laughing. The atmosphere was so feel good you could just breathe the feel good feeling.

We left our cars at Cititel, some of us went to MOIS, some of us went to FAME. We were just searching for some innocent fun. At about 0230, it started crumbling.

A club got raided and some friends were caught in the fray, somehow they looked like criminals. Talk about face problem. -______________-.

Some, didnt bring their identification card. Please people, if you're not an illegal immigrant, bring that damned blue card with you when you're out. It doesn't weigh 5 grams!

A total of 3 cars from our side got broken into. 2 remained lostless but one was unfortunate. It was truly unfortunate and there's no way to explain it but to say it's a case of bad luck.

Apparently old cars are easy to break into, just slide a long ruler or stick into the spaces between the locks and it comes free. Damn, that's some shit seeing how we parked in the hotel and it's supposed to be safe. Or i thought it was.

The news came all out once, we found out the camera was missing and a few minutes later, the news of friends being raided arrived.

I think we all need some 'ong' to make ourselves luckier. I suggest wearing red undies once a week.
Heroes always die first.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Interests Me You

In my attempt to upgrade myself, i have searched through the web. Well not exactly, i just took the first hit i got on google. To find the most interesting topics that people you are conversing with will find interesting. Looking at the list, i think I'm seriously not that interesting chatter. OOooops? Here is the list :

1. Who is the most interesting person you ever met? You can see how this would easily lead people to voice
opinions and ask 'why?'
2. Where in the world would you most like to visit? This dream location may be shared by others and so it makes people feel solidarity, but also, people will be itching to ask 'why?' and keep the conversation flowing.

3. What has been the most life-changing experience you've ever had? Here, people can share funny and touching stories if they want to, which will help you get a deeper understanding of them. Likewise, if people don't feel relaxed enough to give a heart-felt reply they can answer in a funny way and it all adds to the conversation.

4. What is the most spontaneous thing you've you ever done? That opens the door to all sorts of funny and romantic stories.

5. Who's had the biggest influence on your life? Because this person has influenced the person you're asking, they must view them positively and have strong ideas about them. That means they're likely to enjoy talking about them.

6. What thing that you haven't yet done would you most like to do? This kind of inspirational question always gets people talking and everyone's usually happy to chip in with comments about people's hopes and wishes. Just be careful when commenting that you don't rain on their parade. It's their right to have whatever hopes they want.

7. What is the best quality you've inherited from either of your parents? This is particularly interesting at a family gathering when people know the parents you're talking about. It's also a bit of a bonding experience, speaking favorably about your parents.

8. From which person have you learned most in your life? This is another uplifting, positive topic of conversation that usually gets people talking.

9. What historical figure do you most identify with? This lets you know something about the other people around you; it also opens up discussion of the events these historical figures were involved in. Yes, potentially it takes you into dangerous waters of politics and religion but people usually take this question in the spirit of fun in which it's meant, so potentially awkward moments are easily averted.

10. What kind of music do you like? You could then go on to talk of CDs you've bought or gigs you've been too. You might even ask - 'what's the most embarrassing album in your collection?' That's usually met with all-round hilarity!

Go ahead people, make yourself more interesting and hang on to these simple guidelines. You might just be the next Oprah and people will queue up just to have a chat with you.

Errrr, wait i think i slipped up. If all of you were to follow this guidelines to the note then wouldn't all of you be saying the same thing? That wouldn't make me any more interesting would it if we were to speak the same topics??

zzzzz, I'm gonna go spend my next 5 mins of my life googl-ing the next most interesting conversation topics to have.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Two and a half weeks training for this one day and on this one day i cant run.


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Is it me or did taylor swift suddenly became hotter?

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Champion pig

In my attempt to share a little of what i learnt, i ended up insulting the language. Thank you lee siew cheng.

[12:08:36 AM] ØUîçKŠÏLVÆ®: teach u
[12:08:38 AM] ØUîçKŠÏLVÆ®: mushroom
[12:08:38 AM] ØUîçKŠÏLVÆ®: is
[12:08:42 AM] ØUîçKŠÏLVÆ®: champignons
[12:08:46 AM] ØUîçKŠÏLVÆ®: in french
[12:08:47 AM] ØUîçKŠÏLVÆ®: nice word
[12:08:48 AM] ØUîçKŠÏLVÆ®: D:

[12:08:51 AM] äh©ћΞnĢ: XD
[12:08:53 AM] äh©ћΞnĢ: APA ni
[12:08:54 AM] äh©ћΞnĢ: XD
[12:09:00 AM] äh©ћΞnĢ: macam champion
[12:09:03 AM] äh©ћΞnĢ: n pig

Why? Why? Why?

Monday, January 10, 2011

Donating Blood Dont's

Guys, i have a little advice that I would like to share with you.

DO NOT EXERCISE after donating blood. If you're really desperate for it, do it tomorrow.

Else your world will start to look just a bit too swirly and you cant stand the feeling of standing. A little vomit is inevitable if you undertake said endeavour.

So listen to this piece of advice, do not exercise or do anything strenous after donating blood.

Monday, January 03, 2011

January the 3rd

I am once again back to the place where i cant even sign into msn messenger. it hum-drums of things cast a bleak shadow over my head. It's not that I don't like this place, it's just that to quote a friend,

"This place really sucks."

I would beg to differ but i'm suddenly lost for words.

I will now go to sleep with no new years resolutions made and no hope that this is just dream. When i wake up, i'll still be in this sucky place.

Saturday, January 01, 2011