Thursday, September 16, 2010

Of Freds and Louis

I own no Fred Perry's nor have my own Gucci. In fact i don't even have much money. I cant afford no Lv and Lv's don't really want to go with me. But i do wear some Polo tee's.

My Polo tee's might not be your Polo tee's.

Quiksilver slippers cost me RM79 and you tell me yours costs 5 bucks? Well, his is birkenstock and it's five hundred bucks. I don't really care how much it is because it does look a little ugly to me.

If costs can replace beauty then i think all rich people will be very beautiful. But they are not. Half of them are actually quite the ugly.

I use a Blackberry and it's all very merry, but when i wear Topshop and it's all very sloppy? Hey hey, let's not be bitchy. People like me, can only afford so many.

Besides, it looks very good on me.

Hmmmph. Burberry cant buy so many. I cant even buy an only. But maybe, just maybe, it might fall from a tree? Hahahaha, My thinking is kinda salah, kinda like my Zara.

Nevertheless some of my Zara looks better than you wearing Prada and that is quite the in your face. Price is after all just a price. Expensive stuff dont necessary produce good looks.

Maybe in the future i'll be in the receiving end of this. Maybe.


wei said...

I didn't know you have the potential to become a rapper =p

Kraznky said...

Hahaha, dont read it as a rap!!