If the red shirts only wanted political change why the sudden demand of charging the deputy prime minister just when a deal seems to be almost cast in stone?
Furthermore, why did the burn down buildings and engage looting during the protest if they were so peaceful and citizen loving? Aren't those they burn and steal from citizens of their beloved country too?
I think they are assholes. Selfish and pathetic assholes playing minions to some lord. They have the right to protest i reckon but not to the extent of disrupting business and the livelihoods of the people. Furthermore, is rendering a city limp effective in forcing political change?
You village people should continue harvesting padi in your fields and leave the politics to city folks. Or if you insists, participate peacefully.
they have something you don't really have. COURAGE, but it's a brutal one.
idk how am I going to tell you this, even i don't understand why they can fight so easily without even thinking twice and so willingly to give up their life.
I did not deny that they have balls to rally and protest.
What i find repulsive is that in their so-called effort to push for political change they partake in looting, burning, stealing.
Is there a need for that?
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