Friday, September 18, 2015

Teacher teacher he said a bad word

I disagree with what you said, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. That is the basis of a democratic country where free speech is a right not a luxury.

But if we are to practice that and to encourage people to keep running their mouths unchecked not limited to idiotic responses but racial slurs as well as blatant threats are we not keep ourselves hinged? We are indeed caught in a catch 22.

Everyone should have the freedom to say things but everyone should know and should practice a degree of self censorship. Especially in these days of wanton prosecution and selected persecution it does make one wonder, why some are able to say things and some can't.

Double standards, double standards everywhere.

Have you ever had that one person in class who likes to tell on other students? "Teacher teacher he said a bad word!" Now this person is always on the teacher's side and when the teacher isn't present, he is keeping a eye out. When the teacher gets back, you know that his mouth is gonna wag like a dog's tail. SO what happens when the teacher's pet slips up and said something bad himself?

More often than not, the teacher will it pass. Ahhh, an honest mistake by this young boy. He don' t mean any harm. Things he said, although heard by other students and in this age, recorded and posted on social media was shot down and dismissed by a simple wave of hand.

Lack of evidence it seems. I guess undoctored recordings and tens of eye witness is insufficient evident. So what becomes of rape cases which requires 4 persons as witness? I guess there might be more rapist rampaging around town with these positive feedback coming from the very people who is supposed to be acting as a check.